

Laundry, laundry and more laundry !
Staying in a tent for two weeks, my house feels so big!
While I was hanging up the laundry, there was an almost painful silence . Why is it so quiet ?  It took me a while to realise I missed hearing the birds. They would literally wake me up for Fajr in the morning and I had gotten so used to hearing them.

Due to the long hot drives we had to drink plenty of water, but "good" water was scarce. Even the water we had with didn't taste so lekker, so we stocked up on sachets of ice tea and juice to add to it.
But obviously with all the drinking, the kids needed to "ertjie", eventually we set the potty up in the back of the car so they could just go whenever they needed, even if we were driving.

Petrol, unleaded, diesel - at many points we'd find petrol stations had run out of one or the other.

Vet fences in Botswana are to monitor meat. No raw meat is allowed to move south.

While blogging and reflecting I realised what a "bangbroek" I am !
After our previous adventure through the Eastern Cape we had wanted to go with a group.
Now having gone with a tour group, we realise how restricted you are.
Had we done this on our own (which we could have as the roads weren't bad at all!) we would have probably changed the route to get more 4x4'ing. Being restricted with days and times and schedules also wasn't quite what we liked.

Marwaan is eager to return to Botswana, but I ...... I need to forget some of the fear I felt first ;-)

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